
St Joseph's embraces a Healthy Lifestyle Policy and part of that is to ensure that food available from the school falls into the healthy foods category. Students do not have access to any soft drinks, lollies or deep-fried foods. As far as possible, foods offered are fresh and wholesome. Students can enjoy home cooked meals specially prepared by volunteers.

Tuckshop is available on Wednesday's on the Primary Campus and Friday's on the Secondary Campus. We use the QKR! (pronounced Quicker) app by Mastercard, an easy to use phone app that allows parents to place orders from their smart device, reducing the need for the child to bring cash to the school.

Please follow the instructions here to download the app. Please ensure that you update and / or choose the CORRECT class in which your child is in (eg: 8M or 8D, this will be their MENTOR class, 3/4PG, Prep etc).  This ensures that your order is sent / placed in the correct classroom tuckshop box.

Important notes to remember :

  • Primary tuckshop ordering closes at 7.30am on the day of tuckshop.
  • Secondary tuckshop ordering closes midnight Thursday night.
  • NO LATE orders or refunds can be made once the order has been placed.
  • EACH child is to have their own profile for ordering (siblings cannot order for each other)
  • Students can only order from their own campus tuckshop (Primary from Primary and Secondary from Secondary)

The Tuckshop is a wonderful way to inject funds back into the school. It is operated on a volunteer basis with various groups which are organised by Team Leaders. The aim is for groups to work only once a term. Volunteers can join the tuckshop roster by contacting the school office.

Food Allergies

St Joseph’s School is a nut aware school. We have a number of students who have allergies to foods such as eggs and nuts and politely request that parents are mindful of this when choosing suitable items for lunch boxes. It is important to us that we minimise the risks to the health of these students. We also request that students do not share food items.