Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is based on a deep respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual person as we are all made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
By providing a strong sense of wellbeing, belonging and security that affirms students in their dignity and worth, St Joseph’s School assists every student to achieve their full potential as a human person, physically, socially, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
The class teacher in Primary has responsibility for pastoral care of their students.
In Secondary we provide a vertical house system. Each Mentor Group (well-being class) is House-based (Davadi House and McAuley House) and consists of approximately 20-23 students, with 3 or 4 students being drawn from each of the six year levels. Each Mentor Group has a House Mentor (teacher).
Some of the many benefits of our vertical pastoral care system include:
- Helping to build a greater sense of community with increased interaction between year levels
- Providing additional opportunities for students to lead, particularly in the older age groups
- Providing peer mentoring and support
- Ensuring that every student in the School is known and has at least one significant adult to relate to or talk with
- Establishing, and instilling, a strong sense of belonging
- Providing parents/caregivers with a familiar point of contact at the School
- Allowing students to observe the school journey through other students before it is their turn
- Increased school and house spirit
The Primary Class Teachers and Secondary House Mentors, together with members of the Leadership Team and external groups, deliver well-being programs which create a supportive school environment, promote health and well-being for all students, encourage commitment to the wider school community and, importantly, assist students to engage fully in their learning. In Secondary the students and Housed Mentors are supported directly by Heads of House.
Student Welfare Committees
As well as the Pastoral Care Program, the school provides support to individual students through the Primary and Secondary Student Welfare Committees. The committees meet regularly to discuss issues affecting students and put in place the necessary support they may need to ensure their personal, social (wellbeing) and academic needs are met.
The Student Welfare Committees consists of the:
- Principal
- Deputy Principal/Assistant Principal Primary
- Heads of House (Secondary)
- Guidance Counsellor
- Learning Support Teacher.
Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor, Mrs Jennifer Fenn works with students and their parents and caregivers to assist students with their academic, behavioural, social and emotional growth. She also provides career advice as necessary. Importantly, she plays a key role in ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.
Mrs Fenn can be contacted on (07) 4681 5967 or via email on