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- A TWISTED DAY OF FUN - Shake & Stir Theatre Co. Brings “The Twits” to Life!

Respect is one of our Mercy Values and respect amongst students is vital for success in learning and the overall wellbeing of all students.
It is challenging for all students as they grow and mature to navigate the many relationships and interaction they face in a school environment. Respectful language used between students is so important. Unfortunately, on too many occasions, we have to address situations at St Joseph’s School where disrespectful language is used. This is often language which is racist, is sexist, involves swearing, is critical of a person’s appearance or features, or suggests someone should self-harm.
Obviously, this disrespectful language is harmful and should not happen. The following special report from our SchoolTV resource base for parents and staff gives an insight to this issue. Please take the time read the introduction below to the report, view the 6-minute video and chat with your children about the importance of respectful language. All students need to use their words with care.
SPECIAL REPORT: Respectful Language
In today’s world, it is becoming apparent that some young people are being influenced by the language around them. It is becoming more common for them to hear derogatory terms or offensive language on the streets, on social media channels, streaming services and in some forms of modern music. Proliferating the use of such language can sometimes normalise, glamorise and sanitise their impact, taking their meaning out of context. Words can be misconstrued to be hurtful, racist, homophobic, mysogynistic or even discriminatory. Using disrespectful language is considered socially unacceptable, and if not addressed early, can become a serious problem.
The use of derogatory language or the act of swearing at someone, or about someone, is actually a form of verbal violence. It transgresses the usual rules of social interaction by impinging on an individual’s self-image and sense of dignity. Therefore, many schools enforce a zero tolerance policy when it comes to such language. Parents and carers also need to play an important role in enforcing this approach by proactively monitoring what their children are viewing or being exposed to and discussing the use of words or their origin. This can help prevent inappropriate or disrespectful language being used in the classroom, school yard or other situations.
Whilst some students may use swearing or derogatory terms for attention seeking purposes, others may use it simply because they are still learning how to moderate their language. As young people develop their language skills, it is important for them to have a clear understanding of the impact of their choice of words on others and how their words can impact other people’s perspective of them - an important and essential skill to learn as they progress in their personal and professional development.
Click on the link below for the special report video which provides an insight into the issue and strategies for parents to have conversations with their children about this issue.
God Bless

Term 4 historically moves very quickly, and this year has been no different. We have flown past the halfway mark for students and over the next few weeks, as the assessment window draws closer, it is important that all students work collaboratively with teachers to meet deadlines and implement the feedback given to continue to improve the quality of responses.
The Year 12 students have engaged in the External Assessment Block and the feeling of apprehension, coupled with positive energy, has seen the students perform remarkably well in the exams. The journey in preparing for these external exams has been long and challenging, and we as a school community are proud of the effort and commitment that the Year 12’s have shown across the exam block. These students head to retreat on Monday 11 November as the start of the lead in to the Graduation Dinner and Farewell Liturgy.
On November 4, the Year 6 students transitioning into Year 7 in 2025, including students joining our community from other schools in the region, enjoyed a full day program on the Secondary Campus. As a school, we are excited to see the continued growth of the Year 6 students as a collective group as they move into secondary together.
Call to be… Christ-Like
Called to live… Mercy
Matthew Brown
Deputy Principal
It's been another busy fortnight on the Primary Campus!
Last week we welcomed Shake & Stir theatre company to the MPR and they presented Roald Dahl's The Twits to the students. It was wonderful to be able to bring live theatre to our school and to see how mesmerised the children were by the set, the costumes and the actors as they brought the characters to life.
Also last week, nine students from across Years 3 and 4 attended a reading competition in Warwick. Working within their teams, they answered many questions correctly and represented the school very positively. Thanks to Mrs Clarke for organising our school's participation in this event and for accompanying the students, along with Mrs Blaxland.
The Granite Belt Chess competition took place last Friday with some of our students battling against students from Applethorpe State School. It was a fierce competition but one in which our students came out on top. Again, these students represented St Joseph's well. Thanks to Mr Fleming for his support of the chess program here.
The highly anticipated Book Fair took over the library last week and was well supported by all our families. All sales count towards points that can be used by Mrs Stanford to supplement our library resources so we are very grateful to those people who made purchases. Thanks to Mrs Stanford and Ms Gangemi for their work in organising the Book Fair.
We are now into the second half of Term 4 and the weeks will begin to pass very quickly. For the teachers, this time is being used to consolidate aspects of the curriculum and for students, assessments of learning are being completed in preparation for writing of the academic reports. As part of this, your children may have told you that they recently sat a PAT Reading and PAT Maths test. This is part of our ongoing commitment to monitor learning data and evaluate the effectiveness of our teaching and learning programs. From the tests we were able to ascertain who achieved highly and what progress was made across 2024. If you are interested in seeing this data, please approach your child's teacher.
Please note the following date claimers:
- Prep Practice Mornings: 13 Nov
- Primary Swimming Carnival: 13 Nov
- Colour Run: 22 Nov
- Yr 6 Lecturette Town Final: 25 Nov
- Yr 6 Lecturette District Final: 2 Dec
- Primary Dance Fever Showcase - 3 Dec (11.30am)
- Yr 6 Semper Una Celebration: 4 Dec
- Carols Under the Stars: 5 Dec
As always, if you have any concerns please speak with your child's teacher or with me at your earliest convenience.
With God's blessings
Sarah Yates
Assistant Principal Primary & Teaching & Learning
Understanding Advent: A Time of Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love
In 48 days (or so) we will be celebrating Christmas and that means that in about 24 days Advent will commence.
Advent is an important season in the Church's calendar, marking the start of a new liturgical year. It invites us to pause amidst the busyness of life and reflect on our faith. The word "Advent" comes from the Latin word "adventus," meaning arrival or coming. During this time, we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christmas, focusing on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Each week of Advent corresponds to one of these themes, helping us to deepen our understanding of God's promises and the significance of Jesus’ birth.
The themes of Advent:
- Hope: Reflecting on God’s promises for peace and a better future.
- Peace: Preparing for the arrival of Jesus and the salvation He brings.
- Joy: Celebrating the fulfillment of promises and the joy of knowing Jesus.
- Love: Understanding that the birth of Jesus is a profound expression of God’s love for us.
As we navigate through Advent, let us embrace these themes and allow them to guide our journey toward Christmas.
With God's blessings,
Megan Mahoney
Assistant Principal Mission & Identity
Despite governments globally moving towards raising the minimum age for social media access due to mounting concerns about the negative effects on youth mental health and wellbeing, there's now an even newer challenge on the horizon - the rise of romantic and companion AI bots. These virtual companions are becoming increasingly popular with young people, raising serious questions about privacy, ethics, and the future of relationships in the digital age.
The rise of AI-powered relationships is offering a new frontier in human interaction. Initially emerging in the gaming world, AI companionship has evolved into mainstream culture, with apps providing personalised experiences that range from platonic friendships to romantic encounters. These interactions can blur the boundaries between real and virtual relationships, creating confusion and potential psychological harm.
Criminologists warn that children as young as 12 are accessing dating apps, often bypassing age restrictions, exposing them to sexual content and predatory behaviour. Researchers have also found that many adolescents are turning to virtual partners for validation, risking unhealthy emotional attachments that can affect real-life relationships.
As AI reshapes social dynamics, it's crucial to stay informed and engaged. While AI can enhance education and creativity, it also presents challenges around privacy, mental health, and misinformation. This Special Report will help you foster an open dialogue and balanced approach to help young people navigate this evolving digital landscape.
Here is the link to the Special Report
St Joseph’s School has always been strong supporters of the annual St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. The response to our Christmas campaign has always been outstanding, ensuring that the families in our local area can enjoy Christmas more comfortably. The continual rise in the cost of living has meant that many families are in need of assistance. Therefore, we will once again support our local St Vincent De Paul Society in their Christmas Appeal.
This year, each class will be given an item to donate to the appeal. Students are encouraged to be involved in purchasing their item, understanding that their contribution, together with others from our school, will make a real difference to someone's Christmas this year. Items can be placed in the baskets located in each classroom or mentor room.
We will present a hamper to SVDP representatives at our end of year mass on Friday 22nd November. Below is a list of items for each class to contribute.
- Prep - sweet biscuits eg. shortbread, cookies
- Year 1 - savoury biscuits/crackers OR chips
- Year 2 - pasta or rice- plain or flavoured eg. Macaroni and Cheese
- Year 3 - juice, poppers, cordial OR sugar
- Year 4 – long life milk, long life custard or pancake mix
- Year 5 – personal items ($5 max) eg. deodorant, candle, hair clips etc
- Year 6 - sauce – tomato, bbq etc, gravy mix OR tinned fruit
- Year 7 - spreads eg jam, Vegemite, peanut butter OR cereal
- Year 8 - beverages eg. tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc
- Year 9 - sauces for rice or pasta dishes eg. pasta sauce, Chicken Tonight
- Year 10 – Christmas sweets eg. Christmas pudding, fruit mince pies, fruit cake, jelly
- Year 11 and 12 - monetary donation for the purchase of meat vouchers. This can be given directly to Mrs Mahoney.
We ask that students take donations to their classroom by Friday 22nd November.
If you would like to donate something extra, items such as Christmas decorations, bonbons and gifts (new) are welcomed.
Many thanks in anticipation of your support of this very worthy appeal.
Congratulations to our Year 3/4 students who participated in the Warwick Reading Competition on Thursday 31st October.
Students performed exceptionally well against other schools and had a fantastic time. A big thank you to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Blaxland for accompanying and supporting the children.
This year, students from Year 3 to Year 7 have showcased their literary talents in various competitions, demonstrating that a passion for reading thrives at St Joseph’s.

A TWISTED DAY OF FUN - Shake & Stir Theatre Co. Brings “The Twits” to Life!
We were thrilled to have the renowned Shake & Stir Theatre Co. visit our school on Friday, 1st November, to perform their spectacular adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic, The Twits!
We couldn’t believe our (glass) eyes as Mr and Mrs Twit, the nastiest couple you could ever hope (not) to meet, came to life on our stage. Known for their sold-out seasons around the country, Shake & Stir Theatre Co. brought this gruesome twosome back to delight and disgust in equal measure.
The Twits was packed with trickery, wickedly-funny pranks, and hilarious mayhem. This performance not only promised big belly laughs but also highlighted the importance of treating others with love and care. It was a wonderful reminder that spreading positivity is far more enjoyable than being mean.
This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to see high-quality live theatre. The attention and laughter from the audience were a testament to how much everyone enjoyed the show.
From the team behind the sold-out shows of Fantastic Mr. Fox and George’s Marvellous Medicine, this adaptation was a must-see. Whether you have read the book or not, experiencing this family classic live on stage was an unmissable treat for all ages.
We were so excited to welcome Shake & Stir Theatre Co. and enjoyed a day filled with Dahlicious mischief and unforgettable fun. It was truly an event to remember!

Last Friday, November 1st, our Primary students had an amazing time at the Primary Spooky Disco! The event was a huge success, with students arriving in their most creative costumes, ready to dance the night away.
The venue was filled with vibrant decorations and a lively atmosphere. The DJ played a mix of popular dance tracks, keeping the energy high and the dance floor packed.
A big thank you to all the parents, teachers, and volunteers who helped make this event possible. Your support and enthusiasm ensured that the Primary Disco was a night to remember for all our young students!
We look forward to more exciting events in the future.

On Friday 1st November, St Joseph’s hosted the highly anticipated Granite Belt Interschool Chess Competition. The event saw fierce competition and exemplary sportsmanship from all participants.
St Joseph’s team, comprising David Kendall, Ned Robinson, Orlando Vellington, and Bellarose Gordon, emerged victorious. David Kendall and Ned Robinson remained undefeated throughout the tournament, showcasing their exceptional skills and strategic prowess. Each student played a total of six games, with all victories being comprehensive.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the students and teachers from Applethorpe State School for their participation and spirited competition. Their involvement made the tournament a memorable and enriching experience for everyone. Special appreciation goes to all who contributed to the event’s success, ensuring a day of fierce competition and fair play.

We are incredibly proud to share that our students have this week been actively participating in the Meals on Wheels program, bringing warmth and nourishment to our community’s seniors. This initiative not only provides essential meals but also fosters meaningful connections between generations.
The Meals on Wheels program has been a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop empathy, responsibility, and a sense of community service. We are grateful for their dedication and the positive impact they are making. The program ensures that our elderly neighbors receive nutritious food and a friendly visit, often taking a moment to share stories about their lives, brightening their days and alleviating feelings of isolation.
Together, we can make our community stronger and more connected.

Our students had an absolute blast with another exciting session of Dance Fever this week! They have been practicing diligently for weeks, and their hard work and passion for dance truly shone through.
Mark your calendars for December 3rd, when our talented dancers will showcase their expertise in a spectacular concert. We can’t wait to see them light up the stage!
Do you have toys, games, puzzles, books, Lego, or outdoor toys that are in clean and good working order? Consider donating them to our Toy Market!
Drop-off Dates and Times:
- 8th & 15th November: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
- 9th & 16th November: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Drop-off Location:
P & F Shed, Primary Oval
(Entry through the back gate on Connor Street)
Please ensure you drop off your items at the specified times only.
Thank you for your generous support!
Horse Sports
On Friday, 1st November, seven of our talented students participated in the Tenterfield Pony Club’s School Horse Sports Day. We are delighted to share their remarkable achievements:
- Keely Gilbert - 12 Year Girls Champion
- Tiffany Gasparin - 13 Year Girls Runner-Up
- Caitlin Petrie - 15 Year Girls Champion
A special thank you goes to Secondary teacher Damian Petrie and the Tenterfield Pony Club for their incredible support and dedication.
It was a fantastic day for Joeys’! Congratulations to all our participants and a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success. Well done!

4 - 8 November | Year 12 External Assessment Block |
Meals on Wheels | |
7 November | Year 9 Art Excursion - Brisbane |
11 November | Remembrance Day |
11 - 12 November | Year 12 Retreat |
13 November | Primary Swimming Carnival |
Prep 2025 Open Morning | |
14 November | Year 11 Biology - Girraween Excursion |
Year 12 Graduation Mass & Dinner | |
15 November | Year 12 Farewell Assembly commencing at 9.30am |
18 November | Lecturette Town Final |
22 November | End of Year Mass & ColourRun |
Ted Bonner Tennis | |
Year 10 & 11 Finish |